How homeopathy worked for me

What some of my clients have to say ...

Today Ollie is a happy and energetic boy

"After a recent viral illness, our 2 year old son became very ill. Dauntingly, his medical treatment involved a considerable amount of drugs. Whilst the treatment was attacking the disease, it was concerning that such a small child was on so much intensive medication.

For us, homeopathy helped Ollie rebuild his natural defences and his immunity and helped support his body holistically through the ordeal. From hospital stays, Ollie experienced night terrors, and particularly, homeopathic remedies instantly helped with this.

Remedies really helped with supporting him specifically and holistically so that he could make a full recovery.

Today, Ollie is a happy and energetic boy.

We would wholly recommend Selina’s support, and the online treatment we received was outstanding."

Happier, more confident and coping better

"Selina is amazing at helping with both emotional and physical issues.

She is very approachable, getting my 15 year old daughter to open up and discuss her anxiety attacks and then prescribing the right remedy to tackle them.

Since taking the remedy, my daughter is happier, more confident, and coping much better than I ever thought she would with her impending GCSE exams!

I was so inspired by the change in my daughter that I made an appointment to see Selina to try and overcome so menopausal problems I was having and to finally beat the shingles virus.

Would I recommend Selina to other people?


I'm seeing a positive change

Neil tore the cartilage in his knee playing tennis, and had surgery to repair it. A year on he was still having pain all over the knee. Neil’s family had used homeopathy when he was young, so it was a natural choice for him

I now have pain all over my knee, I’ve seen the consultant and there’s nothing more they can do. I feel really low, powerless. I can’t do any sport, I have no energy, I’m irritable and feeling sorry for myself – it’s making me feel miserable about other things.

After taking Neil’s case I prescribed on his symptoms – mentally, emotionally as well as physically. He came back to see me six weeks later:

"I feel much better; the remedies have had a positive impact. My knee is almost pain free. My mood is good, I’m much more positive and less annoyed. I’ve started going to the gym and swimming, which I’d avoided before because of the pain. I’m seeing a positive change"

Homeopathy is not just about healing the injury - it’s about how you’re feeling mentally, emotionally as well as physically - homeopathy is for all of you.

I've got my life back

Ben came to homeopathy as a last resort.

He was suffering with diarrhoea - going to the toilet 6-7 times a day, and was weak and very tired.

"I just want my life back....

"I spent over six months being passed around the health service after having contracted a bacterial gut infection abroad. With nobody seemingly caring or having a clue how to resolve the symptoms, I turned to homeopathy after a recommendation from a friend.

Selina took a genuine interest in my wellbeing from the start, quickly identifying the underlying issues and providing remedies that quickly started to resolve the issues.

This has enabled me to get my life back on track.

I wholeheartedly recommend homeopathy."

I haven't felt so happy for years

Brenda came to see me with what her GP had diagnosed as IBS. Her symptoms were bloating, flatulence, and urgent diarrhoea.

"When I have to go, I have to go."

She had a lot of stress in her life and recently had a death in the family.

We spent just over an hour talking, and based on her symptoms and what she told me, I gave her homeopathic remedies to take home.

Her follow up appointment was four weeks later – when she walked into the clinic I didn’t recognise her. She had her hair cut into a shoulder length bob and was wearing a lovely summer dress. I asked her how she was:

"I’ve lost 5lbs in weight, everything is more balanced. I don’t go to bed feeling bloated. I now have a natural appetite and am enjoying my food. I feel so much better, I feel lighter. If I need the loo I can hold on – the diarrhoea has gone. I haven’t felt so happy for years."

Brenda didn't need another appointment, but she knows she can come back to homeopathy at any time.

I can smell my own breath, it's horrible!

Jay, a nine year old boy came to see me with what he described as acid burps that smell like rotten eggs, and a yellow tongue.

"I can smell my own breath – it’s horrible."

He was also suffering with stomach ache, flatulence and constipation. This had been going on for a couple of years, and his GP said it was just something he had eaten. Intolerance testing showed up sensitivity to wheat, milk, sugar and grass pollen. Jay was also suffering with growing pains in his legs – particularly his thighs at night. These pains were worse after exercising, often woke him and made him feel irritable and restless.

After remedies and some adjustments to his diet, Jay and his Mum came back to see me a month later;

"I haven’t got a yellow tongue anymore! And no tummy pains at all, no pains when I go to the loo....I'm going regularly"

I asked about his growing pains;

"No leg pains – not even a bit. I’ve been doing so much exercise – hockey, karate, jiu jitsu, dancing."

Within two days of taking the remedies all the symptoms had gone

"I’m very happy."

Mum says:

"Selina came highly recommended from a friend. The whole process was very simple and she is very professional and easy to talk to - we are both thrilled with the outcome. Would definitely recommend homeopathy."

All names have been changed to protect identity and permission has been given by all to tell their stories.

©Selina Hatherley

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